DC Internationals MESALI

Washington DC International School and Institute -- Foreign Language Classes, Morocco Cultural Trips, and Performances

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DC Internationals MESALI and ASMEA Partnership

ASMEA - Association for the Study of the Middle East and AfricaDC Internationals MESALI and the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA) have partnered to offer members of ASMEA a 10% discount for in-person and online classes as well as 10% off MESALI offered Morocco trip packages. 

Interested in becoming a member? Visit ASMEA’s website here.

ASMEA is an academic society dedicated to promoting the highest standards of research and teaching in Middle Eastern and African studies, and related fields. It is a response to the mounting interest in these increasingly inter-related fields, and the absence of any single group addressing them in a comprehensive, multidisciplinary fashion.

ASMEA is, first and foremost, a community of scholars concerned with protecting academic freedom and promoting the search for truth. The Association advances the discourse in these fields by providing its members with new opportunities to publish and present ideas to the academic community and beyond.

ASMEA assists scholars, including tenured and un-tenured faculty, graduate students, and those in related fields, to expand the body of knowledge. Through its annual conference, peer-reviewed journal, newsletter, and website, ASMEA strives to become the professional association of choice for discerning scholars and interested members of the public. Join ASMEA in creating a community that serves as the bedrock for the next generation of scholars upon which our collective future depends. 

Members of ASMEA receive a number of benefits:

  • Journal of the Middle East and Africa – The flagship publication of ASMEA, is a peer-reviewed academic journal currently released four times a year.
  • Awards, Research and Travel Grants – Members engaged in research efforts fundamental to the mission of ASMEA are eligible to compete for awards and research and travel grants.
  • Discounted Rates for DC Internationals MESALI Programs – A 10% discount for ASMEA members to take in-person or online language courses as well as a 10% discount on MESALI trips to Morocco. Details may vary. Inquire about latest offerings.
  • Discounted Registration Fees – Members receive discounted registration at the Annual ASMEA Conference and at special events.
  • Book Notes – Opportunities to receive and review the latest titles from top academic publishers.
  • Job Bank – Exclusive access to employment opportunities in these and related fields in the Academy and elsewhere.
  • ASMEA e-newsletter – The e-newsletter includes articles and opinion pieces by scholars and specialists, Members’ news, and association updates.

Please note, ASMEA member discounts for classes and trips through DC Internationals MESALI cannot be combined with any other offers. Travelers receive a 10% discount on the comprehensive package departing from either JFK or Dulles, while all other flights are the responsibility of the travelers; however, they still receive a 10% discount on the comprehensive package. 

Questions may be directed to ASMEA at info@asmeascholars.org.